Trusted Legal Advice In Estate Planning And Probate
At Quist Homier Law, we know the importance of creating an estate plan. It can protect your hard-earned assets from taxation, provide for your loved ones and ensure that your assets go to the right beneficiaries.
Estate Planning And Probate in Michigan
Although many people try to create their own estate plans with do-it-yourself documents online, this usually is not wise. It also is not wise to handle estate administration and probate without a knowledgeable lawyer.
Instead, let us help you to:
Draft estate-planning documents like wills, trusts and powers of attorney
Designate the right executor, health care proxy, power of attorney and beneficiaries
Administer estates and distribute assets to the correct beneficiaries
Inventory and valuate a decedent’s property and assets
Administer trusts of all kinds
Resolve estate disputes such as will contests
We will help with every issue on your plate, no matter how complex it is.
Compassionate Representation When You Need It Most
Quist Homier Law understands that estate and probate issues often come with deep emotions and family tensions. That is why our attorneys provide more than just legal services. They are compassionate legal counselors who see you as a person, not as a case number.
The process is confidential. The information shared during the process cannot be used later in a litigation proceeding.
The process provides for creative resolutions guided by experienced professionals. These professionals focus on “needs based negotiation” and delve into what is motivating each participant in the process.
The process takes place in the privacy of one of the professional’s offices. It does not occur in court.