Divorce And E-filing In Michigan
Originally published by Courtney Quist of Quist Law Firm on January 12, 2021
Every year, married couples across the state of Michigan decide to bring their marriage to an end. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that over the course of 2018, more than 782,000 couples got divorced, and this only includes data from 45 states and D.C. There are many factors to take into consideration with respect to the divorce process, but spouses need to focus on properly filing all documents.
In the digital era, many people take advantage of the convenience and efficiency associated with filing paperwork online. However, parties must review and file these documents with care.
The advantages of e-filing
According to the Michigan Supreme Court, some couples getting a divorce in Michigan have the option to file paperwork online through MiFILE, an e-filing system available throughout the state. This approach is very advantageous for many people, especially since it allows married individuals seeking a divorce to avoid long lines that often come with going to a courthouse. E-filing also helps eliminate geographical barriers and other challenges (such as inadequate transportation) that sometimes impede the divorce process. Moreover, parties can submit documents at any time.
Preparing for e-filing
Those who determine that e-filing is the best way to manage their divorce need to approach the process carefully. For example, parties need to carefully create an account with MiFILE and make sure that they upload all divorce papers properly. From initiating a divorce case to filing paperwork later on, those pursuing divorce must have a solid understanding of all relevant documents and address any technical concerns (such as difficulty uploading documents) appropriately.