Child Support, Mediation Barbra Homier Child Support, Mediation Barbra Homier

3 FAQs About Modifying Child Support After Divorce

If you are a divorced parent, you know that life changes quickly. Your original child support agreement may have worked well in the beginning. However, your child’s needs, and your own ability to meet them, are likely to change as they grow and you continue to navigate life’s daily challenges.

Whether you find yourself unable to make monthly payments or the payments you receive are no longer enough, you may be able to modify your support order by petitioning the court.

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Taking A Look At Statistics On Child Custody And Support

If you are working through the process of getting a divorce and you have kids, it is vital to think about custody and support. Whether you seek full custody or intend to share custody with your ex, child custody arrangements could have a significant impact on your child’s life and your relationship with them. Moreover, a child support order could affect your finances and various aspects of your life. It is vital to prepare for these family law issues carefully.

Reviewing statistics on custody and child support helps provide parents with a better understanding of these topics. Moreover, you should realize that you are not alone and that many families find themselves in this position.

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4 Tips For Making Child Custody Work

Recently, you learned the court awarded you and your soon-to-be-ex-spouse joint custody of your shared child. How do you make this arrangement work to everyone’s benefit? 

Parents magazine offers rules for making the most of joint child custody. Get insight on improving your child’s life and your relationship. 

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